Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Flowers

So, I guess my Libsyn account didn't actually go down. Should have but it auto-renewed on its own and I figured what the heck I'll just leave it up. I had intended to start a website and post all the episodes there but I never got around to making all that happen. Figured screw it I'll just leave everything as is.

Just released Episode 40. I haven't been playing (much of anything) but I did have some notes sitting around from the last time I logged into FFXIV so I figured "What the heck?" I noticed that the amount of downloads spiked somewhere around mid April. I'm guessing someone mentioned this podcast on their show? If so I appreciate it. I haven't completely abandoned Looking for Party, it's just that I'm not playing so I don't have anything to record. That said I'm reinstalling FFXI as I type this.

Click the link to download.

Show number 35!
Show number 36!
Show number 37!
Show number 38!
Show number 39!
Show number 40!

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