Thursday, April 22, 2010

Final Fantasy 9 Sucks!

Wow, episode 24. I can't believe I've done so many episodes! I think I might have the 3rd highest episode count out of all Final Fantasy XI podcasts! Don't quote me on that. Sure, my show is only 30 minutes long when all the others are 3 hours but they can still suck it. On this episode of Looking for Party I actually get an invite! It's to a duo party but hey I'll take it. Eitheta from Slyph drops by to chat with me. We probably spend more time talking about Mass Effect then we do FFXI but that is just as well because Mass Effect (2) is awesome! Though this episode is titled "Final Fantasy 9 Sucks", I don't actually feel that way, it's just a joke. Mostly. I hope people enjoy the episode and I'm totally down to have more guests if you are interested.

The audio isn't mixed very well I know. I was far too lazy to manually boost the audio in the spots that needed it. There are also a few curse words in this episode (4 I think), not a lot but normally if I have more then one I edit it out but I didn't do that this time. Sorry. The music at the end is from Clash of the Titans (1981) and the voice clip is from God of War 3.

In game I forgot to mention that I capped my Ninja last week. I think that just leaves BRD and RDM. However will I get a party on those two? I've been totally slacking on getting my sub jobs leveled and I'll need to get on that next month. I want to have everything ready to when the update hits. I've also been messing around with BLM some more. It's about 300 xp for 63 right now. I'd like to get it to 75 pronto and be done with it but looking for party on BLM doesn't usually yield results. I'm doing campaign to get it up but I lost my medal so the xp is terrible right now.

I'm also tempted to get back to leveling SMN since I have Odin and Alexander now. My biggest fear however is that by the time I get it to 75 SE will gimp those summons and I'll be all sad. Time will tell.

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Show number 24!

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