Monday, July 13, 2009

What I've been up to

I put together a Nyzul Isle floor 100 run on Saturday with Thebluedragon, Shortkiller, Vanin, Mirya, and Haublice. Much to my suprise we ended up scoring a Denali head which I had sole lotting rights too so I gleefully took it. I didn't feel as pumped as I did when I got my Askar head a few weeks ago but it still felt good and I was a little giddy for awhile because I was on Samurai so I couldn't equip it which lead to me constantly opening my inventory to look at it. After the first run ended, some people wanted to go again so we decided to do a floor 80 run. Thebluedragon left (I think he was out of tags) and we picked up Windraker and made another attempt. We beat the boss but we failed to get an armor drop. We had aquired a couple of ??? items but Haublice logged off quickly after we exited and took those items with him.

Later that day, still pumped from my earlier succes I joined up with Illucid, Eiana, Ririanne, Vaashe, & Jadeshadow to do a floor 20 run. It was an abysmal failure because Illucid and Jadeshow aggroed seemingly every gear in the stage ON PURPOSE, giving us all kinds of penalties and wasting a ton of time. Why they didn't just avoid the gears in beyond me but we ended up not even clearing the floor because of them. The first floor. They wanted to go again but I quickly jumped ship.

Why are you attacking the gears?

I've also joined a couple more linkshells. Weaponry, which is a Dynamis shell and Insanebotherz which is a Dynamis/Einherjar shell. Figured I haven't done endgame in so long I might aswell just suck it up and take what I can get instead of looking for something that has idea times for me. Weaponry is point based which I hate especially since I can only do one run a week with them due to work. But I figured even if it's points based I'll get some gear as apposed to nothing like I have been getting without a shell. Insanebrotherz I joined for Einherjar which I haven't done yet but we are preping for a run as I type this. *edit* Total failure *edit*

Some other stuff I've been messing around with is getting my polearm leveled. It's high enough now that I can use it in merit parties which is what I've been doing. Including one with Cobrazzzzzz who is the gimpiest person gearwise that I've partied with in awhile.

As far as I know he had the same gear on at all times. Full time dex rings THF af at 73. Is here main handing a theives knife in an xp party?

My polearm is currently at 238 and I'm guess it caps around 257 so I'm not that far off. I feel so stupid for waiting so long to level it but I'm glad I finally got around to it. Penta thrust is so awsome that now I want to level DRG to use Drakesbane. I also messed around with RDM a little bit. I'm working on getting Deathblossom unlocked. I'm still a ways away but at least I've gotten it started. I'm guessing I'll have it unlocked in a couple of days if I spend a little time on it here and there.

I also got my Askar body on sunday. I did the run as WHM which scared me quite a bit because I'm not a good healer but everything ended up working out okay. I didn't think we were going to make it because we had a few floors with chariots and one floor where job abilities were restricted but we managed to prevail and defeat the boss with a few minutes to spare. My thanks to Hirronimus, Malakz, Elsar, Seipher, Badmidou.

I can finally wear something other then a hauby!

And lastly I did my first Dynamis in ages. It was a Jeuno run and I ended up coming as WHM in an alliance-less party (ouch, my pride). Things started of real bad with a bunch of deaths and few near wipes but after a bit everyone got their stuff together and things started to run smooth. Sadly this shell has it's obligatory asshole, this one is named Astiar. He sent a few misstells insulting members in the shell and spent a good 10 minutes going on and on about how much better one linkshell member was over another. I wanted to toss my pearl right then and their. I can't stand people like that and I've quite shells before due to it in the past. I decided to tough it out though, it might just be an off night and I can give the shell and the guy another chance. If this kinda thing is a regualr accurance and Astiar doesn't get kicked I'm probably gonna bounce.

Quite the gentleman

Anyway, things were going smoothly (gameplay wise) until we got down to the last 30 minutes. We were making our way to the boss when we had a huge link and we ended up wiping. We were unable to recover in time and the run ended in failure. Didn't really matter to me because I have that clear but I'm a little worried about Dynamis Windurst. I still need Windy and if this shell can't beat Jeuno then they may not be able to handle Windurst either. Time will tell. Congrats to Shillelagh, Valesca, Mannabirds, and Zula for the gear this aquired.

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