Friday, January 23, 2009

Episode Four: Chin-cheater

Wow, another episode and it didn't take me weeks to record it! I was inspired to make an episode due to the bannings that happened recently in FFXI. So, the meat of the show is me complaining about that. My stance on that issue is that they got what they deserved. I'm not happy people where banned but it was no accident that they lost their accounts. I start the podcast talking about what I did in game, which isn't much, and a little about my nyzul runs. I've noticed that I've become pretty cranky lately in FFXI. Meaning that I find myself dropping parties all the time. I was gonna talk about in this episode but something more interesting came up so I talked about the bannings instead. Maybe I'll yell at myself for being a punk at a later date :/

Click the link to download.

Show number 4!

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1 comment:

Matt said...

..You're awesome.

I just listened to this episode then, I like the intro/name. Despite only having one person talking, you sound cool and you know what you're doing.

I totally agree with you about the whole banning thing too! :D Justice~! xD Endgame players tend to be fairly elitist.. Not all of 'em, but the majority. And most of that majority got banned. =P