Episode 9 is out, and these show notes are like a week late, lol. I actually started recording the next podcast and then I remembered that I hadn't even done the notes for this one ><. This show is fairly uneventful. Nothing all that special happened but I figured I might aswell update anyway. The podcast was down for a few days, cuz' I was flat broke and tried to shut it off before I was billed. The feed is back up and I hope that it didn't cause any problems for anyone trying to check the podcast out.
I mentioned this last week but I talk about my failed Zilart Mission 16 fight. I haven't retried it yet but I'm still hopeful that I'll get it done sometime soon. I also did a few a Nyzul runs. I called a guy Oromusha in the podcast but his name is Oroshimar, whatever...he still stood in front of Cerberus and got himself killed.

Did another Nyzul run but nothing dropped that time either. Depressing but I haven't given up yet. On a positive note I finally got my WHM AF body. I was lvl 67 when I got the lvl 60 peice but hey, at least I have it. I took a nice screenshot of me posing when I acquired my body piece but I didn't actually have Fraps open, oops! This random picture of my back will have to suffice.

Did Dynamis San d' Oria a couple of times and neither went well. We got the clear and wiped on the first run, the second run was pure crap. We weakened the boss but we just weren't able to take him. We had a BLM d/c when the puller brought in a train of mobs with the boss. I think we would have beaten the boss had the BLM not d/c but you never know. The big question is was it chance or did she do it on purpose?

I spent most of my time leveling WHM. I tried to get SCH to 35 by soloing but that only ended with me dying repeatedly. And that was pretty much my week (or two).
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Show number 9!Email me at: lookingforparty@gmail.com