I've pretty much just been leveling my WHM. I woke up Saturday morning, logged in at around 9:00 A.M and with the exception of a few breaks I played until like 2 A.M on Sunday. Currently my WHM is setting at 68 with exceeds my goal of hitting 67 by the end of the week. I'm pretty suprised by that but I'm glad at the same time. I guess I'm gonna shoot for 70 by next weekend but I'm not sure if I'll make it because I'm moving next week and my SCH is at 34, meaning I'll need to spend at least a day getting that up to 35. However I think it'd probably be best to aim for 37 on SCH just to have it done and out of the way.
On the podcast front, not really feeling like recording a show at the moment. Considering I mostly just xp'd on WHM until my eyes hurt, lol. I did do a Dynamis but that wasn't too exciting. I'll probably do something some time this week though.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Episode Eight: A Gentleman and a SCH
Alrighty, I'm back. My first recorded show since returning so I go over pretty much the last few blog posts and my experiences since. I was kinda pissed because I recorded the podcast on Wednesday/Thursday morning but after I had everything done and edited I ended doing a ZM 16 run that I would have loved to talk about on the show but I wouldn't have been able to get the show up before I went to work if I had done that cuz' I was cutting it pretty close as it was.
The intro song is an old Playonline song for those of you who are confused. I had intended to do something much more grand but it would require a lot of editing and I'm pretty lazy. Maybe I'll have it ready for the next episode (probably not). I more or less spent the last weekend leveling WHM and SCH. My attempts at soloing on SCH while waiting for a party didn't go so well.
I also needed the new WHM spells if I was gonna level that up. Being poor I figured I'd try and farm at least one. I got Auspice without too much trouble but since I was already in Castle Oztroja, I figured I'd make an attempt at getting the Ochimusha Kote from Mee Deggi the Punisher while I was at it. I waiting about 30 minutes then a different NM popped and somebody killed it. I said f-it and left. I hate camping NMs.
I've made an attempt at getting back into endgame since my return. Just looking for 1 weekend run at the moment. I had joined a shell that a guy named Zeake was shouting for after the shell that Spardathedark had changed it's date. Zeake ended up not making his own shell and joining another shell named "SerenityBlue" and to just give him a tell for a pearl or show up Saturday for the run. So I log in on Saturday ready to do Dynamis but noticed that Zeake was in Sandy instead on Jeuno. So, I shoot him a tell and tells me he bailed on that shell. So, there I am ready to go with no Dynamis shell. I was tempted to go to Jeuno and see if I could get into SerenityBlue at the last minute but I figured screw it. Since then I have joined two shells. SocialOutcasts with is supposed to be a casul shell but when I put on the shell it already had events set and they were at times that I couldn't attend. I'm not sure about this shell yet but I guess time will tell. The other is BouncingSoul, a dynamis shell. I just got the pearl this morning so I don't know if it'll be any good or not. I'll find out Sunday.

So, anyway, after I got Auspice and bought a few spells and got my SCH to 34, I went back to leveling WHM. I'm currently at 64, about half way to 65. I tried campaign after the update that nerfed the amount of xp you get from beating on fortifications and got a whopping 172 xp after probably 8 minutes of attacking a wall...why does SE do such stupid things? Anywho, the xping was pretty standard fair no real problems. I did get pretty annoyed at the last party I had because there was a DNC and BRD who kept healing the PLD which made me almost useless. I guess I shouldn't complain but I'd like to do something more then cast haste, I can do that on my RDM. As fate would have it the new LS I joined, SocialOutcasts, mentioned that someone was shouting for ZM 16 in Whitegate. I asked Rdragonfly if he had room, he said yes, and I imediately started looking for a replacement. It took a little while but I managed to find a 60 RDM (we were synced to 61). Dude ended up dying on the way to the camp so I had to go raise him. It took forever to find him because he had been running the wrong way but I finally managed to R2 him. He was decked out in melee gear and wearing pants that appeared to be scale mail...I hope to Altana I was mistaken or he was just dressed like that for fun. Either way, it was the party's problem not mine :)
So, I get to Whitegate and Rdragonfly, who I've been in a endgame shell with before, invites me. I immediatly start panicing because I thought I had triggered all the cutscenes I needed but my mission title was wrong. I was all ready to drop and go cry in a corner but Rdragonfly was patient and told me to just go talk to Gilgamesh and join everyone in Sky. I do so (which is when I realize I had already done it) and head off to sky after waisting 30 minutes of everyone's time. The run to the BCNM went pretty fast an easy aside from some weapon aggro. Luckily nobody died.

When we arrive at the BCNM our setup is Rdragonfly (SAM), Jophen (SAM), me (SAM), Sirax (DRK), Alrahal (NIN), and Esiga (RDM). Rdragonfly explains that the stratgey is pretty much just to spam Tachi: Gekko over and over again until the NM is dead. Works for me. Very quickly a few of the party members go down, I don't know what killed them, I just kept spaming my weapon skills and hoped for the best. We ended up taking out the first form pretty easily but about 10 seconds after we started resting for the next half, we realized that the boss doesn't wait for you and just attacks.

Everything is going fine

We try to rest after first form and he teleports to us
We probably would have won but the RDM didn't have reraise. I don't know if he just didn't cast it or if he died, hopped back up, and died again. Regardless things seemed like there were going to work out, we had him about half way to death, I was just about to used meditate and weaponskill him when he puts us all to sleep. After that he just takes his sweet time killing us off one by one and ending the run. It was a nice attempt and I went to give it another go, next time that sucker is mine!

At least I got to see a cool cutscene
I logged in today but due to maintainace I realized I wouldn't be able to level white mage. I saw someone shouting for Nyzul floors 56-60 which I need so I accepted that. Ramzat, Seipher, Beartooth, Ichlgo, Oroshimaru and myself grabbed our orders and gave it a go. I thought the party was going to end in failure real quick because it took a while to clear the first floor which was a lamp floor and people kept aggroing stuff. But after that things went pretty smooth even when SE hit us with another lamp floor. We ended up fighting Cerberus and he went down pretty easily. For whatever reason Oroshimaru stood right in front of Cerberus instead of at it's feet like we told him too and died. We still managed to win pretty easily. Sadly on the RNG weapon, Quicksilver, dropped. I was hopping for Denali hands but I need the floors cleared so I was happy with just the win. That's pretty much it for this update. Gameplan is keep messing with WHM and hopefully have a good Dynamis run.
Click the link to download.
Show number 8!
Email me at: lookingforparty@gmail.com

The intro song is an old Playonline song for those of you who are confused. I had intended to do something much more grand but it would require a lot of editing and I'm pretty lazy. Maybe I'll have it ready for the next episode (probably not). I more or less spent the last weekend leveling WHM and SCH. My attempts at soloing on SCH while waiting for a party didn't go so well.
I also needed the new WHM spells if I was gonna level that up. Being poor I figured I'd try and farm at least one. I got Auspice without too much trouble but since I was already in Castle Oztroja, I figured I'd make an attempt at getting the Ochimusha Kote from Mee Deggi the Punisher while I was at it. I waiting about 30 minutes then a different NM popped and somebody killed it. I said f-it and left. I hate camping NMs.
I've made an attempt at getting back into endgame since my return. Just looking for 1 weekend run at the moment. I had joined a shell that a guy named Zeake was shouting for after the shell that Spardathedark had changed it's date. Zeake ended up not making his own shell and joining another shell named "SerenityBlue" and to just give him a tell for a pearl or show up Saturday for the run. So I log in on Saturday ready to do Dynamis but noticed that Zeake was in Sandy instead on Jeuno. So, I shoot him a tell and tells me he bailed on that shell. So, there I am ready to go with no Dynamis shell. I was tempted to go to Jeuno and see if I could get into SerenityBlue at the last minute but I figured screw it. Since then I have joined two shells. SocialOutcasts with is supposed to be a casul shell but when I put on the shell it already had events set and they were at times that I couldn't attend. I'm not sure about this shell yet but I guess time will tell. The other is BouncingSoul, a dynamis shell. I just got the pearl this morning so I don't know if it'll be any good or not. I'll find out Sunday.
So, anyway, after I got Auspice and bought a few spells and got my SCH to 34, I went back to leveling WHM. I'm currently at 64, about half way to 65. I tried campaign after the update that nerfed the amount of xp you get from beating on fortifications and got a whopping 172 xp after probably 8 minutes of attacking a wall...why does SE do such stupid things? Anywho, the xping was pretty standard fair no real problems. I did get pretty annoyed at the last party I had because there was a DNC and BRD who kept healing the PLD which made me almost useless. I guess I shouldn't complain but I'd like to do something more then cast haste, I can do that on my RDM. As fate would have it the new LS I joined, SocialOutcasts, mentioned that someone was shouting for ZM 16 in Whitegate. I asked Rdragonfly if he had room, he said yes, and I imediately started looking for a replacement. It took a little while but I managed to find a 60 RDM (we were synced to 61). Dude ended up dying on the way to the camp so I had to go raise him. It took forever to find him because he had been running the wrong way but I finally managed to R2 him. He was decked out in melee gear and wearing pants that appeared to be scale mail...I hope to Altana I was mistaken or he was just dressed like that for fun. Either way, it was the party's problem not mine :)
So, I get to Whitegate and Rdragonfly, who I've been in a endgame shell with before, invites me. I immediatly start panicing because I thought I had triggered all the cutscenes I needed but my mission title was wrong. I was all ready to drop and go cry in a corner but Rdragonfly was patient and told me to just go talk to Gilgamesh and join everyone in Sky. I do so (which is when I realize I had already done it) and head off to sky after waisting 30 minutes of everyone's time. The run to the BCNM went pretty fast an easy aside from some weapon aggro. Luckily nobody died.
When we arrive at the BCNM our setup is Rdragonfly (SAM), Jophen (SAM), me (SAM), Sirax (DRK), Alrahal (NIN), and Esiga (RDM). Rdragonfly explains that the stratgey is pretty much just to spam Tachi: Gekko over and over again until the NM is dead. Works for me. Very quickly a few of the party members go down, I don't know what killed them, I just kept spaming my weapon skills and hoped for the best. We ended up taking out the first form pretty easily but about 10 seconds after we started resting for the next half, we realized that the boss doesn't wait for you and just attacks.
We probably would have won but the RDM didn't have reraise. I don't know if he just didn't cast it or if he died, hopped back up, and died again. Regardless things seemed like there were going to work out, we had him about half way to death, I was just about to used meditate and weaponskill him when he puts us all to sleep. After that he just takes his sweet time killing us off one by one and ending the run. It was a nice attempt and I went to give it another go, next time that sucker is mine!
I logged in today but due to maintainace I realized I wouldn't be able to level white mage. I saw someone shouting for Nyzul floors 56-60 which I need so I accepted that. Ramzat, Seipher, Beartooth, Ichlgo, Oroshimaru and myself grabbed our orders and gave it a go. I thought the party was going to end in failure real quick because it took a while to clear the first floor which was a lamp floor and people kept aggroing stuff. But after that things went pretty smooth even when SE hit us with another lamp floor. We ended up fighting Cerberus and he went down pretty easily. For whatever reason Oroshimaru stood right in front of Cerberus instead of at it's feet like we told him too and died. We still managed to win pretty easily. Sadly on the RNG weapon, Quicksilver, dropped. I was hopping for Denali hands but I need the floors cleared so I was happy with just the win. That's pretty much it for this update. Gameplan is keep messing with WHM and hopefully have a good Dynamis run.
Click the link to download.
Show number 8!
Email me at: lookingforparty@gmail.com
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Oh, did I say Sunday?
Yeah, I was intending to do a show Sunday but I ended up playing Final Fantasy all day. Was gonna then record it Monday but I ended up playing Final Fantasy until I went to work. I started recording today but the party I had ran too long so I wasn't able to finish the recording before I had to get ready for work. So, I may have the episode up Wednesday. Kinda hard to say cuz' I need to watch the last episodes of Heroes and WCG Ulimate Gamer, fit FFXI in, and do the podcast on Wednesday. Tough to say if I'll be able to.
Friday, April 17, 2009
New Episode probably on Sunday
I picked up a cheap microphone and was all ready to record something but then my internet kinda went bye-bye for a couple of days. I'm supposed to have a Dynamis run Saturday unless something has changed so I'll probably try and toss something up on Sunday.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
SCH doesn't totally suck
Sadly another pretty uneventful day. I logged in, played all day, and only got a few levels out of it. Which I guess makes it an average day of playing Final Fantasy XI. I started off the morning by doing campaign on DRK. I was only a few thosand XP away so I figured I'd might aswell. It actually went surprisingly well because I went to Rolanberry fields and the match lasted pretty long so I was able to get almost all the xp I needed in just one campaign. I believe I got the remaining 600 or so in Jugner and then my DRK hit 73. Just two more levels to go! Two more long and extremely boring levels...
I pretty much spent the rest of the day leveling SCH. I was going to xp on WHM and try out all the new abilities then I remembered my SCH sub wasn't leveled. I tried leveling SCH before but it was so boring that at about lvl 20 I gave up and decided I wasn't going to bother with it. A good plan, however if I'm going to take WHM to 75 I'll need to have SCH for a sub so it couldn't be helped. My WHM is currently at 60 so I figured I'd try and gain 10 levels in a day. Didn't happen, not really a suprise. The day started off promising. I got a party pretty quick in Qufim island from Kalatia. She told me to come /blm so I had a good feeling before I even got there. The setup was Kalatia (WHM), Kesina (PLD), Nekox (SAM), Mrminky (BLM), Dinor (BLM), and me (SCH/BLM). So, pretty much the black mages and I nuked non stop and slaughtered the pugs and crabs. Believe it or not this was my first time using a field manual in a xp party and I was pretty surprised with how much the bonus xp and refresh helped things along. I was about 1k from 21 when we started and ended up at level 24 in about and hour. There was some brief talk about going to Kahzam but a few people wanted to disband (myself included) so we called it instead and I took a little break.

Maybe and hour or so later I tried to go back at it again to much less success. I received an invite from Vaker who was in Kahzam. So, I head all the way out there and punk ignored me. I soooo hate that crap. Why bother making somebody go way out of their way to get to you if you aren't going to put them in the party when they arrive? The least you can do send a tell and say nevermind. Whatever, after that I went to Qufim figuring I'd solo while I waited for an invite. So, I busted out my NPC and picked page one out of the field manual and started fighting. Firstly my NPC was still on soothing healer which is not a good thing when you're a mage job trying to solo. Secondly it felt like it took forever to kill the mobs. As soon as I managed to complete the manual I was like f-this and left.
The next party I got was a pretty good example of what is wrong with FFXI these days. Had a bunch of people with no idea of how to play there jobs. Let's start with the party leader, Laurinitis. Not a bad guy but here is a "protip", don't make a lvl 24 party in Qufim Island! Oh my god was the xp bad. Luckily I had my empress band but this party was mind numbingly slow compared to the previous one. The BLM, Gamelia, was spaming spells and got himself killed a couple of times. I realized he didn't know what he was doing when I had to explain to him that regen didn't last forever... The tank, Mathewbryan, couldn't hold hate to save his life and the DRK Nodnarb, the DRK/WHM Nodnarb, got on my nerves a tad. He gave me some gaming adviced on curing that a second grader would know. I had to fight the urge to point out that I didn't need advice from a level 65 wearing DRK af and carapace gear but I didn't. I only gained 1 level in this party. It ended up disbanding when the BLM casted bio on a pug for no discernable reason.

Paragon of Dark Knight Excellence?

The last party I got in knew it's stuff thankfully. I don't remember the members names but I think the setup was PLD, THF, BRD, DRK, DRG, SCH. The theif was pretty slow on the pulls but I don't think it was her fault but she did have a talent for aggroing gobs. The PLD held hate extremely well and pretty much main cured. He never ran out of MP and as far as I could tell wasn't using any special items (aside from field manual refresh). The DRG was dual boxing the BRD which didn't really effect me any since he didn't have mages ballad yet. I ended up hitting 26 by the end of the night. Only one level in that party but it was pretty easy going and the party luckily broke just shorty after I got my level.
And that was pretty much it for today. I'm 4 levels short of my goal of 30 but I think 6 levels in a day is a pretty good accomplishment in the 20's. I'm unsure if I'm just gonna level it to 30 and stop or if I'm going to force myself to take it to 37 first. I'm probably going to stop at 30 because I don't have the inventory space to properly gear my SCH and that could prove a problem if I end up the only healer in a party. Time will tell. I'll probably try and level it a bit over the week but who knows. I really need to farm so I might do that instead. Oh, I also joined a ls today. Spardathedark (who I know from somewhere) made a new Dynamis shell that is doing their first run this Saturday. I probably shouldn't have bothered since it runs at nights and I work on nights but I figured even if I only do one run a week it'll give me something to do. Who knows maybe I'll find a shell that works better with my hours during the week. Right now I'm on the fence on if I should record an episode of the podcast now or wait until after the Dynamis run. I guess we'll see.
I pretty much spent the rest of the day leveling SCH. I was going to xp on WHM and try out all the new abilities then I remembered my SCH sub wasn't leveled. I tried leveling SCH before but it was so boring that at about lvl 20 I gave up and decided I wasn't going to bother with it. A good plan, however if I'm going to take WHM to 75 I'll need to have SCH for a sub so it couldn't be helped. My WHM is currently at 60 so I figured I'd try and gain 10 levels in a day. Didn't happen, not really a suprise. The day started off promising. I got a party pretty quick in Qufim island from Kalatia. She told me to come /blm so I had a good feeling before I even got there. The setup was Kalatia (WHM), Kesina (PLD), Nekox (SAM), Mrminky (BLM), Dinor (BLM), and me (SCH/BLM). So, pretty much the black mages and I nuked non stop and slaughtered the pugs and crabs. Believe it or not this was my first time using a field manual in a xp party and I was pretty surprised with how much the bonus xp and refresh helped things along. I was about 1k from 21 when we started and ended up at level 24 in about and hour. There was some brief talk about going to Kahzam but a few people wanted to disband (myself included) so we called it instead and I took a little break.
Maybe and hour or so later I tried to go back at it again to much less success. I received an invite from Vaker who was in Kahzam. So, I head all the way out there and punk ignored me. I soooo hate that crap. Why bother making somebody go way out of their way to get to you if you aren't going to put them in the party when they arrive? The least you can do send a tell and say nevermind. Whatever, after that I went to Qufim figuring I'd solo while I waited for an invite. So, I busted out my NPC and picked page one out of the field manual and started fighting. Firstly my NPC was still on soothing healer which is not a good thing when you're a mage job trying to solo. Secondly it felt like it took forever to kill the mobs. As soon as I managed to complete the manual I was like f-this and left.
The next party I got was a pretty good example of what is wrong with FFXI these days. Had a bunch of people with no idea of how to play there jobs. Let's start with the party leader, Laurinitis. Not a bad guy but here is a "protip", don't make a lvl 24 party in Qufim Island! Oh my god was the xp bad. Luckily I had my empress band but this party was mind numbingly slow compared to the previous one. The BLM, Gamelia, was spaming spells and got himself killed a couple of times. I realized he didn't know what he was doing when I had to explain to him that regen didn't last forever... The tank, Mathewbryan, couldn't hold hate to save his life and the DRK Nodnarb, the DRK/WHM Nodnarb, got on my nerves a tad. He gave me some gaming adviced on curing that a second grader would know. I had to fight the urge to point out that I didn't need advice from a level 65 wearing DRK af and carapace gear but I didn't. I only gained 1 level in this party. It ended up disbanding when the BLM casted bio on a pug for no discernable reason.
The last party I got in knew it's stuff thankfully. I don't remember the members names but I think the setup was PLD, THF, BRD, DRK, DRG, SCH. The theif was pretty slow on the pulls but I don't think it was her fault but she did have a talent for aggroing gobs. The PLD held hate extremely well and pretty much main cured. He never ran out of MP and as far as I could tell wasn't using any special items (aside from field manual refresh). The DRG was dual boxing the BRD which didn't really effect me any since he didn't have mages ballad yet. I ended up hitting 26 by the end of the night. Only one level in that party but it was pretty easy going and the party luckily broke just shorty after I got my level.
And that was pretty much it for today. I'm 4 levels short of my goal of 30 but I think 6 levels in a day is a pretty good accomplishment in the 20's. I'm unsure if I'm just gonna level it to 30 and stop or if I'm going to force myself to take it to 37 first. I'm probably going to stop at 30 because I don't have the inventory space to properly gear my SCH and that could prove a problem if I end up the only healer in a party. Time will tell. I'll probably try and level it a bit over the week but who knows. I really need to farm so I might do that instead. Oh, I also joined a ls today. Spardathedark (who I know from somewhere) made a new Dynamis shell that is doing their first run this Saturday. I probably shouldn't have bothered since it runs at nights and I work on nights but I figured even if I only do one run a week it'll give me something to do. Who knows maybe I'll find a shell that works better with my hours during the week. Right now I'm on the fence on if I should record an episode of the podcast now or wait until after the Dynamis run. I guess we'll see.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Back in Black
I hath returned. I'm back a bit sooner then I had intended but I just couldn't wait anymore. Can't really afford to return but I guess I can play until my phone gets shut off in a few weeks :). Sadly I can't grab A Crystalline Prophecy yet but I have logged back in. It was actually kinda weird looking at the game...I dunno something about the way the game moves looked strange to my eyes for a couple of minutes. Didn't take me too long to adjust though. I was a little shocked to see that my DRK was 72, didn't remember doing that, lol. I tossed all my pearls before I had shut off my account so there was no one to great my return, not that anyone in any shell I had would have cared. I'm still debating if I'm gonna jump into another endgame shell right away or wait it out. I'm currently working night shift so I'd probably have to join a EU shell but the real issue is god willing I'll have a different job in a few months and that could disrupt any endgame progress I make. I dunno, still puzzling that stuff out. I'd like to at least get Dynamis Windurst done so I can get outland access.

I had a somewhat uncomfortable moment when someone on my friends list messaged me and I didn't even remember who we was ><. That kinda thing happens to me a lot, one of the reasons why I started this blog. Sorry, Agent.

When I logged back in I wasn't really sure what to do. I only had 16k on me so I was thinking about farming, fishing, questing, ect. I figured for kicks I'd put up my party flag and see how long it'd take for an invite to come. Surprisingly it only took about 10 minutes before I received an party invite from a 66 WAR named Eternalhitman. It was a fairly standard affair. Xp was decent (about 10k and hour) and no big problems occured. There was some sorta interesting talk about which race was the best. Of course I threw in my two cents about Mithra but I think the majority of the party was in favor of Elvaan. Atleast of Melee were.
When the party broke I was about 8k from my level. I put my party flag up but I wasn't so lucky this time, so, I went to do Campaign. I had forgotten how annoying campaign can be. I'd run all the way back in time, go to a zone that the regional map said there was battle and of course there would be no fight going on. Or I'd get into a fight and die, hp, run back, die. /sigh. All and all I got about 4-5k over the course of the day.

I also played around with assault some. Just did 3 Periqia runs of "Saving Privite Ryaf" with Illucid (BRD) and Tlthemaster (MNK). It's a really easy assault so we didn't have any real problem. I did almost die from fomar aggro. Luckily Illucid pointed out that I should flee (I was DRK/THF) and I managed to save myself with around 12 hp remaining. I made about 40k from selling the drops and I'm currently at around 7,500 points on my Periqia assault. Only 13k more to go for my Yigit Gomlek.

While I was waiting to go for my last assault I bumped into Steak from Pet Food Alpha which was kinda neat. He tried to talk me into joining the dark side and leveling BST. Of course I resisted, I'd probably level PUP before I leveled BST. And I don't plan on leveling PUP any time soon.

Afterward I did a little more futile party seeking and ended up going to Castle Zvahl Bailys with Jfox to get his testimony. It was surprisingly quick and painless. I think we got the drop in 3rd room we tried. I got to bust out my NPC buddy who I hadn't seen in awhile. I think he's about 69-70.

That's pretty much it. I wanted to try out the new WHM and RDM adjustments but I figured I'd wait until the week and mess with them a little bit just to kill time. Hopefully this Sunday when I get up something worthwhile will happen.
I had a somewhat uncomfortable moment when someone on my friends list messaged me and I didn't even remember who we was ><. That kinda thing happens to me a lot, one of the reasons why I started this blog. Sorry, Agent.
When I logged back in I wasn't really sure what to do. I only had 16k on me so I was thinking about farming, fishing, questing, ect. I figured for kicks I'd put up my party flag and see how long it'd take for an invite to come. Surprisingly it only took about 10 minutes before I received an party invite from a 66 WAR named Eternalhitman. It was a fairly standard affair. Xp was decent (about 10k and hour) and no big problems occured. There was some sorta interesting talk about which race was the best. Of course I threw in my two cents about Mithra but I think the majority of the party was in favor of Elvaan. Atleast of Melee were.
When the party broke I was about 8k from my level. I put my party flag up but I wasn't so lucky this time, so, I went to do Campaign. I had forgotten how annoying campaign can be. I'd run all the way back in time, go to a zone that the regional map said there was battle and of course there would be no fight going on. Or I'd get into a fight and die, hp, run back, die. /sigh. All and all I got about 4-5k over the course of the day.
I also played around with assault some. Just did 3 Periqia runs of "Saving Privite Ryaf" with Illucid (BRD) and Tlthemaster (MNK). It's a really easy assault so we didn't have any real problem. I did almost die from fomar aggro. Luckily Illucid pointed out that I should flee (I was DRK/THF) and I managed to save myself with around 12 hp remaining. I made about 40k from selling the drops and I'm currently at around 7,500 points on my Periqia assault. Only 13k more to go for my Yigit Gomlek.
While I was waiting to go for my last assault I bumped into Steak from Pet Food Alpha which was kinda neat. He tried to talk me into joining the dark side and leveling BST. Of course I resisted, I'd probably level PUP before I leveled BST. And I don't plan on leveling PUP any time soon.
Afterward I did a little more futile party seeking and ended up going to Castle Zvahl Bailys with Jfox to get his testimony. It was surprisingly quick and painless. I think we got the drop in 3rd room we tried. I got to bust out my NPC buddy who I hadn't seen in awhile. I think he's about 69-70.
That's pretty much it. I wanted to try out the new WHM and RDM adjustments but I figured I'd wait until the week and mess with them a little bit just to kill time. Hopefully this Sunday when I get up something worthwhile will happen.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Episode Seven: J.R.R Security Token
Yay, episode seven. Way sooner then I expected too. Man, I hate this feeling. I had no desire to play FFXI but in these past few weeks I've been dying to play ><. The crappy job I have has a lot of mandatory overtime but these past couple of weeks we've had the weekends free. Perfect time to play FFXI since I have no life, except I can't! Woe is me!
My microphone is still dead but I remembered that my digital camera records sound so I figured I'd try that. There is a weird noise in the background due to that but I figure the audio quality for this show is so terrible anyway that it doesn't really make things any worse.
I kinda jump all over the place in this episode because I didn't have any show notes. It was kind of an experiment that just happened to work. So, I just ran my mouth for about 20 or so odd minutes at random. I cover mostly stuff that I've already posted on the blog. My thoughts on the RDM, SMN, WHM adjustments, security tokens, Mog Bonanza, server transfers, and stuff. Sadly, I've cooled down since my RDM post so I couldn't be as heated as I would have liked but I still manage to complain a little.
As for the music at the end...I listened to Pet Food Alpha's April Fools joke, well, their March 31st Fools joke and loved it. So much in fact that I listened to it over and over but I didn't feel satisfied since it was so short. When I was making the intro this episode I became inspired and decided to spruce it up a little. I cannot be held liable if anyone commits suicide or slices off their ears after hearing it. It seemed like a funny idea at the time.
Click the link to download.
Show number 7!
Email me at: lookingforparty@gmail.com

My microphone is still dead but I remembered that my digital camera records sound so I figured I'd try that. There is a weird noise in the background due to that but I figure the audio quality for this show is so terrible anyway that it doesn't really make things any worse.
I kinda jump all over the place in this episode because I didn't have any show notes. It was kind of an experiment that just happened to work. So, I just ran my mouth for about 20 or so odd minutes at random. I cover mostly stuff that I've already posted on the blog. My thoughts on the RDM, SMN, WHM adjustments, security tokens, Mog Bonanza, server transfers, and stuff. Sadly, I've cooled down since my RDM post so I couldn't be as heated as I would have liked but I still manage to complain a little.
As for the music at the end...I listened to Pet Food Alpha's April Fools joke, well, their March 31st Fools joke and loved it. So much in fact that I listened to it over and over but I didn't feel satisfied since it was so short. When I was making the intro this episode I became inspired and decided to spruce it up a little. I cannot be held liable if anyone commits suicide or slices off their ears after hearing it. It seemed like a funny idea at the time.
Click the link to download.
Show number 7!
Email me at: lookingforparty@gmail.com
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