Monday, February 9, 2009

Episode Five: Shell-less in Selbina

Episode five is upon us. Nothing all that great to talk about this week.
Ended up quitting my endgame ls Crystal Guardians after my last Dynamis run in Jeuno. As I mentioned in the previous post I was thinking about it. I was planning to wait until the next run was about to start then make up my mind but Limbus was bumped up to Thursday instead of Saturday so I was forced to kinda decide on the spot after Zgz sent me a tell, so I just chose to quit. It's a pretty stupid decision really, I'd be better off toughing it out, at least until I got all the gear I wanted but oh well. Not really sure what I'll do endgame wise now. I think if I join another endgame shell, I'll try to find one that uses ventrilo or some kind of speaking program. It's way too difficult to read a command when it's just a line of green text that swiftly scrolls off your screen. I'm also dropped my social shell after a kindred seal notorious monster fight.

For the first time in weeks I managed to get a party for my lvl 68 DRK! A lvl 12 level sync party in the dunes...I don't know why I accepted (okay it was desperation) but it was a mistake too. I could have gotten way better xp in campaign. Xp per mob wasn't bad but people kept going afk all the time so we spent most of the two or so hours standing around. I'm was only like 50 xp from 69 but I couldn't bare to stay there any longer and left. On the plus side I was fishing out of boredom while I was seeking on DRK and that made me want to fish some more. Hopefully I can stick with it.

I successfully got up to Nyzul floor 50. What sucks is I thought Nyzul floors could be added to your count retroactively. Meaning I had already done floors 1-40 & 45-60, so, I figured when I did 40-45 it would plug in the gap and I'd have up to floor 60 completed. That wasn't the case and I now realize I've wasted a lot of ID tags doing floors that don't even count, lol. I don't know why I thought it worked different but I guess it's no big deal. Just gotta wait until someone does a shout for 50-60 and maybe I'll get a mythic weapon.

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Show number 5!

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